Further reading: If you're interested in learning additional things about the Nearest Neighbor algorithm, read up on the following terms: distance weighting, Hamming distance, Mahalanobis distance. 进一步的阅读:如果您有兴趣进一步学习最近邻算法,可以按如下术语搜索相关信息:distanceweighting、Hammingdistance、Mahalanobisdistance。
Research on the application of Mahalanobis distance in catastrophic faults detection of analog circuits 马氏距离在模拟电路硬故障检测中的应用研究
A Method of Flight Missing Data Estimation based on Mahalanobis Distance 基于马氏距离的飞行缺失数据估计方法
Simulation on different sigma-to-Noise Rate ( SNR) shows weighted Mahalanobis distance method is the same with MMW target recognition. 在不同信噪比下的仿真结果表明,方法适用于毫米波雷达一维距离像目标识别。
Algorithm Based on Mahalanobis Distance for Soft Faults Detection of Analog Circuits 一种基于马氏距离的模拟电路软故障检测算法
Fabric's Filling Bar Defect Detection Based on Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Robust Mahalanobis Distance 基于灰度共生矩阵和稳健马氏距离的织物横档类疵点检测
A imputation method based on Mahalanobis distance was proposed to estimate missing values in the gene expression data. 提出了一种基于马氏距离的填充算法来估计基因表达数据集中的缺失数据。
The Dynamic Time-limited Condition Negotiation Framework Based on Mahalanobis Distance 基于马氏距离的动态限时协商模型研究
And the applicability of Mahalanobis distance discrimination analysis and topology pattern recognition for reconstructed milk identification was discussed. 考察了马氏距离判别分析和拓扑模式识别方法在还原奶检测中的适用性。
Secondly, the wrong match points were deleted based on the Mahalanobis distance with affine invariance. 第二步,利用马氏距离仿射不变性删除错误的点对;
And then, the multi index diagnosis model of valve leakage based on Mahalanobis distance sorting is established. 建立了基于马氏距离法的气阀漏气多指标诊断模型;
CALCULATE MAHALANOBIS DISTANCE WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL By using Mahalanobis method every sample was detected. 基于EXCEL的马氏距离计算方法建立了基于Mahalanobis距离的异常检测模型对样本进行检测。
Results: Precise classification of 18 samples was done by cluster analysis and mahalanobis distance analysis. 结果:利用聚类分析对18个样本分类结果准确。
A new Mahalanobis distance critical is shown. 在分析的基础上,提出了一种新的马氏距离法。
This study analyzes the issue of multi-response product design using the method of weighted Mahalanobis distance and points out a problem with this method. 分析了用加权马氏距离法进行多响应产品设计的问题,指出了该方法应用过程中存在的问题,并且提供了这种问题的数学解释;
Methods: Cluster analysis and mahalanobis distance analysis were adopted to analyze data of HPLC fingerprint of shenmai injection. 方法:采用聚类分析及马氏距离判别的多元统计学方法对参麦注射液的HPLC指纹图谱中采集的数据进行分析。
After making simulation with classical clustering algorithms, the result shows that the accuracy of WMP Mahalanobis distance in reflecting data correlation has greatly improved. 4. 结合经典的聚类算法进行了仿真分析,结果表明WMP马氏距离在体现数据相关性的准确性上有很大的提高。
The minimum distance classifier with mahalanobis distance is used to establish the initial solder joint classifier. 以马氏距离为度量方法、使用最小距离分类器对焊点进行聚类,建立焊点初始分类器。
In experiments, both Euclidean distance and Mahalanobis distance are employed to verify the proposed method on 12 real-world datasets. 另外,在实验中我们在12个公共数据集上分别采用马氏距离和欧式距离的度量方式进行了实验。
We combine Mahalanobis distance with traditional kernel regression and apply them to the short-term traffic flow forecasting. 我们将马氏距离与传统的核回归相结合的模型应用于短时的交通流量预测,并使用梯度下降法进行参数估计。
In addition, the software uses Mahalanobis Distance to analyze whether there is fire in the target and the comparability analyze of the flame targets. 另外软件利用了马氏距离判别的方法来进行目标中有无火焰的判别和火焰目标间相似性分析。
Moments and Mahalanobis distance handle different object, so that, this is a multi-scale match algorithm. 利用矩和马氏距离处理的对象的层次不同,构建一个多尺度的多次匹配算法。
A Mahalanobis distance based Kennard-Stone method is used for transfer samples selection. 对于传递样本的选择,使用了基于马氏距离的Kennard-Stone样本选择方法。
These research results show that the wavelet transform, corner detection, Mahalanobis distance measure can effectively enhance the speed and accuracy of image registration. 本文的研究结果表明,将小波变换、角点特征检测、马氏距离测度有效的结合起来并应用到图像配准技术中可以有效的提升图像的配准速度和精度。
Base on the initial data path and pipeline design, we make some optimization for SRAM module and multiplication resource by the deep analysis of Mahalanobis distance calculation. 在初始数据通路和流水线节拍设计的基础上,根据对马氏距离计算特点的深入理解分析,从SRAM模块和乘法器资源两个方面进一步优化了设计。
At last, we analyze the prospect of WMP Mahalanobis Distance in distribute data mining. 最后分析了WMP马氏距离在分布式环境下的应用前景。
By feature ranking via Mahalanobis distance, the optimal feature subset is selected. 这种算法使用马氏距离进行排序,选择出了最优特征子集。
Due to the process used above, the cost of calculation Mahalanobis distance is reduced. Finally, the validity of these methods that divide and tracking video objects is proved by experiment. 由于上述的处理,使得计算Mahalanobis距离的开销大大的降低。最后,通过相关的实验,对算法的分割和跟踪的有效性进行了验证。